Surevine Q&A: Laura Gill



Photo of Laura Gill

Communications & Engagement Lead

Joined Surevine

June 2009

The questions…

What is your ‘alternative’ job title?

Surevine’s Mum (or Mom as I would write it)

How would you sum up your role in one sentence?

Everything that doesn’t include writing code.

Who is your geek idol?

Without sounding too corny, the team I work with. I have learnt more and been more inspired by them than anyone else I can think of. Slowly but surely, they are turning me into a geek.

What are your OS and browser of choice?

Mac OS Lion is my OS at the moment (I admit, I am an Apple fanboi). Browser wise, both Chrome and Firefox are firm favourites.

What open source tool could you not live without?

Piwik. Having only just discovered it, I now can’t keep away from it. Beats Google Analytics any day.

What is your favourite gadget at the moment?

My iPhone 5s (so beautiful). But the day I get a Kitchen Aid, that title might change.

What is your most used app?

Google Maps. It’s a standing joke at Surevine; never ever ask me for directions or follow me anywhere – it might look like I know where I am going. I don’t.

What music do you listen to whilst working?

At the moment it’s a mixture of Arctic Monkeys, The XX and Sigur Rós.

Where do you find motivation?

Having been part of Surevine since the beginning (they had a few peaceful months before I turned up!) I am motivated most by the company itself. Knowing that I have a voice that is heard, as does each person that has been carefully picked for the team, is the biggest motivator. I am trusted to identify my own work and work it through to completion – the guidance and steer is there from our Founders, but the micro-management is not. How could I not be motivated by that?

Are you a cat or dog person?

Much to the disgust of my coworkers, I am a dog person.